Friday, September 11, 2009

2004 : 45 "Company In My Back" by Wilco

Hide your soft skin, your sorrow is sunshine
Listen to my eyes
Hide your soft skin, your sorrow is sunshine
Listen to my eyes
They are hissing radiator tunes
I move so slow, a steady crushing hand
Holy shit there's a company in my back
I move so slow, a steady crushing hand
Holy shit there's a company in my back

I you ask me what "Company in My Back" is about, I cannot tell you. I cannot make sense of these lyrics for you. I cannot tell you a story that this song contains. I can tell you that this song reminds me of a specific moment in 2005. When I hear it I think about a date I got through Live Journal, a second date I got because of my CD collection, a baseball game in Oakland, a traffic jam on the way home, and taking a chance with a woman. This song played while I was with that woman.

That relationship is over, but I am changed because of it. I would say changed for the better. Without that moment, I doubt my life would be what it is today. I am at the point in my life when I can think of that relationship and see only the good things. I hope that when she looks back now she only sees the good things too.

Rich Thomas

Listen: Wilco >> "Company In My Back"

1 comment:

James Yates said...

Great write-up, Rich.

As the Aughts continue, I'll be in the same boat. There are a bunch of songs that unintentionally formed the soundtrack to a life-changing relationship. I was worried that they'd be hard to write about, but ultimately, there's happiness and optimism in them.